River Kenn

The river Kenn rises just south east of Kenn Moor Gate and flows north and west through Kenn Moor. Historically the River Kenn used to flow from the highland to low moorland area and eventually to the sea at Kingston Pill. Following the River Kenn Scheme in the early 1950’s the majority of flow in the Kenn system has been diverted into the Blind Yeo.

The flow from Kenn Pier to the outfall at Kingston Pill can be in either direction and this section is sometimes referred to as the Old River Kenn. This section of the Kenn is penned by control structures at Kenn Pier and at Treble House Farm.

Kenn Pier Sluice is located at the eastern side of the Kenn Moor Road Bridge adjacent Kenn Pier.


River Map