River Isle Structures

Cock’s Bridge

Bridge Name:   Cock’s Bridge
No.:   46
Location:   North of Ilminster 336250/116457
Build Date:   1834
Engineer:   Designed by Richard Carver, County Architect and Surveyor, built by R.Mears.
Road bridge over river Isle. Lias stone cut and squared, Ham stone dressings. Segmental arch with ashlar voussoirs, nearly 10 metre span, vermiculated keystone; band course at road level; shallow flat-topped parapet with plain chunky coping; on west parapet a full depth stone is dated 1834; ends of parapet curl through right angle to rectangular stop piers.1

This bridge and Twinney Bridge was constructed for 375 pounds sterling2

English Heritage Listed Building Number: 264034. First Listed on 22/04/1981.

Collinson states one mile north of Hort Bridge there is a bridge of two arches called Cox Bridge which is repaired at the expense of the free Grammar School in Ilminstersup>3/p>

References:   1. Somerset HER Ref: No.56623
2. Somerset Roads the Legacy of the Turnpikes – Western Division – J B Bentley & B J Murless
3. The history and antiqutities of the county of Somerset (1791)- Collinson