Gallox Bridge
Bridge Name: Gallox Bridge
No.: 19
Location: Dunster – SS 9895 4321
Build Date:
Gallox Bridge on the River Avill, is a packhorse bridge with two slightly pointed arches and a roadway width of c3ft 3ins.
Bridge length 10.5m and 1.2m wide. The two arches are slightly pointed and have double arch rings. Each side has four narrow chamfered ribs. There is a cut-water on the upstream side only. The bridge leads to a causeway skirting a ford on the N side.Also a listed building,Scheduled area revised with new national number on 28 June 1996, was Somerset 149.1
June 3, 1662. Payd to Francis Hill for repayring a bridge by Dunster. 2
1.Exmoor National Park HER – MSO11991
2. History of hundred of Carhampton, in the County of Somerset, from the best authorities by James Savage