Lower Washford Accommodation Bridge ( Ashcroft Railway Bridge )
Bridge Name: Lower Washford Accommodation Bridge ( Ashcroft Railway Bridge )
No.: 49
Build Date:
In October 2010, a historic building recording survey and subsequent archaeological watching brief were undertaken at the Old Ashcroft Railway Bridge, Washford. The bridge, formerly known as Washford Underbridge No. 1, was part of the former West Somerset Mineral Railway (PRN 28620) until the closure of the line in 1916. It has more recently been used as an agricultural access to a field. The structure is a standard plate girder underbridge across the River Washford and was one of six constructed for the mineral railway. Both the north and south abutments to the bridge are of stone construction and appeared to be structurally sound and in good condition. Many of the associated wrought iron plate girders showed extensive corrosion. The timber sleeper decking was also badly decayed. The survey identified no evidence for phasing within the iron framework, all of which appeared to be original, but it is considered likely that the timber decking had been replaced subsequent to the removal of the iron railway tracks c. 1917.1
1. Somerset Heritage Record No.30332