Mells River Structures

Murtry Old Bridge


Bridge Name:   Murtry Old Bridge
No.:   58
Build Date:   C14

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The bridge is essentially C14. It has been superseded by the nearby bridge but two of the original three arches remain. The remains of a stone bridge alongside and below the present bridge which carries the A362 over the River Mells. It consists of two slightly pointed ribbed arches, each arch having four ribs. A third arch probably existed at the S end but this has disappeared. 16m long and 8m wide between the broken down parapets. The bridge was widened in 1817 but became obsolete when the railway constructed a new bridge in about 1854. The bridge ceased to be a County responsibility in 1877. The stonework has been repaired and consolidated in recent years and is now in good condition although there are some tree saplings established on the surface. The bridge was inspected by Mendip Countryside and Mendip Conservation with others from local societies and parish councils.
References:   Somerset HER 23639