River Tone Structures

Tone Bridge Creech St Michael

Bridge Name:   Tone Bridge Creech St Michael
No.:   78
Location:   Creech St Michael ST272255
Build Date:    

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Widened 1848 – Edward Murch, founder1
Three arches with iron railings instead of parapets caste on the railing girders is “Murock” 1848. In 1627 this was a timber bridge on stone piers The foolowing year the bridge is reported to be in ruinous decay and it is not known who should repair it.2

Creech or Tone Bridge was repaired by the hundred of Andersfield in the 1620s. It was improved in 1830 and enlarged in 1848.3

Petition from the inhabitants of Michael Creech that whereas not only the timber work of Creech bridge, which they are bound to repair, but also the arches or piers are become very ruinous ; and that they are burdened with the repairs of Ham bridge ; the Bench will order the bridge to be viewed and order other places to help in the charges. Endorsed : This bridge to be viewed before Bridgwater Sessions by Mr. John Colles, Will. Francis, Thomas Windham, Thomas Brereton, and Edward Rogers, esquires, or any three whether it be fit for the county to join in the repairing. John Harington.3

Uppon the petition preferred unto the Court att the last Taunton Sessions by the Inhabitants of Creech shewinge that a certaine bridge called Creechbridge leading over the mayne river on the northside of the moore called Creechmoore, is fallen into greate decaye,the tymber worke of which bridge the Inhabitants of the parishe have ever mainteyned. But the arches thereof being Stoneworke ar very chargeable is now growen very ruinose and that it is not knownen by vvhome the said Stonevvorke hath or ought to be repaired. And for that the said Inhabitants of Creech are chargeable with the repayringe of other bridges, therefore desired the Court to consider thereof and graunt them some order for the repayringe of the said bridge. It was then desired by the Court and so ordered that Edward Rogers, JohnColles, Wittm ffraunceis, Thomas windham and Thomas Brereton,Esqsr., or any three of them would be pleased to examine the pmisses who of right ought to repaire the said stoneworke and whether it were fitt to lay the burthen thereof uppon the Country and to certifie their opinions therein att the Sessions then next followinge. Since which tyme little or nothinge hath ben therein done and that the said Mr. Rogers and Mr. Colles ar now dead. It is therefore at this present Sessions desired and so ordered that John Symes, Thomas Brereton, Willm ffraunceis and George Poulett, Esqrs., or any three of them wilbe pleased to examine the same accordinge to the first order and to certifie their opinions therein att the next Sessions att Bridgwater.4

Renovated 2004 and reopened by Mp Jackie Ballard

References:   1.Somerset Roads The Legacy of the Turnpikes Phase 1 – Western Somerset J B Bentley & B J Murless.
2.The Ancient Bridges of the South of England by Jervoise.
British History Online ref:18506
3.Quarter Sessions – Ilchester and Taunton Sessions,1627.
4. Quarter Sessions – Taunton 8th, 9th and l0th days of July, 4 Charles (1628),